
Cracking the Jeopardy! Code

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A few months back, Gawker posted about how one uber-geek named Roger Craig (no, not the retired San Francisco 49er) was able to develop a web app that modeled America’s favorite question and answer show’s question sequences so that he could win an insane amount of money and break their all time record.
Craig delivered this news to the New York “Quantified Self Show & Tell” where he explains how he developed a web tool and various supporting programs to analyze and effectively train himself on a database of past questions. Its a 14 minute talk and its worth watching if you plan to ever be on the show, like I do.
If you did not know, every year I take the entrance exam hoping / praying that this is the year I end up on the show. When I throw out of my many inane pieces of trivia and/or little known facts, I usually follow it up with the statement, “One day I’m going to be on Jeopardy!” to try to reduce my geek factor. That being said, my secret fear is that I’ll get on the show and get destroyed by my lack of opera and classical music knowledge. Having Mr. Craig’s app to help me identify my weak spots would be ideal.
As an aside, one of the best articles I ever read about “Jeopardy!” was written for GQ magazine and it was titled “Why is Alex Trebek laughing at me?” It came out in the late 90’s and I cannot find it online – I was hoping to link to it in this post. If you find it, please let me know!


Yiddish Quiz

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Following up on my previous post title, I bring to you straight from my in-box and courtsey of my Aunt a pop Yiddish quiz. Phyl, I know you are going to love this one!
1) Which one of these people might best be described as “zoftig?”
A) Callista Flockhart
B) Lara Flynn Boyle
C) Kirstie Alley
D) Woody Allen
2) You’re driving around in eckveldt (the boondocks) and have no idea where you are. You are:
A) farblunget
B) farklempt
C) fartoost
D) farshvitzed
3) You found it! The Holy Grail! A $2000 designer dress for just $39.95!
You’ve found a:
A) mechaiyeh
B) mishpucheh
C) machashafer
D) metziah
4) Which one of these people has a “ferbisseneh punim?”
A) Michael Jackson
B) Leona Helmsley
C) Barbara Walters
D) Julia Roberts
5) He eats like a pig and wipes his face with the back of his hand. He farts and picks his nose at the dinner table. He curses like a drunken sailor.
He’s a real:
A) shnorror
B) gonif
C) grubber yung
D) mensch
6) Which of these is NOT a body part?
A) poulkie
B) potchki
C) pupik
D) punim
7) Which of these is NOT an insult:
A) shana maydel
B) shmegeggie
C) shmendrik
D) shlub
8) You’ve gone to a wild party where you’ve been downing vodka jello shots like candy. You can barely stand up anymore, and you’ve made a fool of yourself in front of everyone you know. You are totally, completely:
A) fershtayst
B) farblunget
C) ferchadded
D) fershikert
9) Which of these things would you never find at a kosher restaurant?
A) shmaltz
B) luckshen kugel
C) treyf
D) kasha varnishkes
10) Of these various uses of “kishka”, which one is incorrect?
A) “Yes, waiter. I’ll have the roast chicken with a side order of kishka.”
B) “That Yetta, she’s such a piece of kishka!”
C) “After twenty years of keeping secrets, he finally went to a shrink and spilled my kishkas.”
D) “If anyone ever tried to mug me, boy, I’d give him such a chamalyiah in the kishkas!”
Answers are after the jump
Answers to Quiz:
Question 1 =C~ Kirstie Alley
Question 2 = A~ farblunget
Question 3 = D~ metziah
Question 4 = B~ Leona Helmsley
Question 5 = C~ grubber yung
Question 6 = B~ potchki
Question 7 = A~ shana maydel
Question 8 = D~ fershikert
Question 9 = C~ treyf
Question 10 = B~ “That Yetta, she’s such a piece of kishka!”